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Outpost Omega

School project created for running on PC.
During this project I created enemy animations, special effects, enviorment assets and concepts.

- Results
- Enemy skeletons
- Concepts

Enemy Skeletons

Since this was a short project with lots of stuff to create we decided to go very simple on the enemy skeletons.
No rigs where created since we thought forwards kinematics would be a faster way to work and animations where simple.

Basic runner enemy (green) had joints for legs, tusks and eye.

Eruptor enemy (red) only had joints for the legs and vulcano.
Boombug (purple) had joints for the eye and wings, we also added a joint to his end part that where going to scale up right before it exploded on the player. 


During this project we did a lot of concepting for both robots and alien creatures. We also created concepts for things like map layout, world theme and plants.
Concepting was done quick and dirty, everyone on the team came with ideas that we evaluated and changed to match the game as good as possible.

Credits and information

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