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MOCAP to Unreal

Main goal was to record MOCAP data of fighting moves that would be playable in the Unreal Engine.

- Results
- Pipeline
- Programs used


Final result was rendered in Unreal Engine and had button inputs for moving around and execute fighting moves.
Character controls was built in Unreal with their blueprint system and animation system that handles all animation blending. 


I recorded all movement with our schools MOCAP system from Qualisys. The raw data was then cleaned up and applied to an actor model in Motion Builder. In Motion Builder the animations got mirrored to the Ogre skeleton and then sent to Autodesk Maya for added animations such as closed hands and creating cycles.
All animation was also edited in Maya to feel very responsive from a button input since the character was going to be controlled by a player.

Animations was then sent to Unreal were I created input controls for the character and made

animation blends between animation states.

Final stage was to set up a scene and export the project as an Unreal gamefile.

Programs used

Qualisys Motion Capture Systems

Autodesk Motionbuilder
Autodesk Maya 2015
Unreal Engine

Ogre model was created by a friend of mine

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