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Megaman Zero

An exprimental project for modeling and texturing outlines inside the texture map. Goal was to create an toony look with more control of the lines in the model than just using a shader. 

- Results
- Crisp lines
- Workflow

Crisp lines

To keep the lines razor sharp I was using the models UV´s. By cutting the UV faces apart from each other I could use their edges to create lines where i needed them.
This metod makes the lines non destructable and you could do it on a map small as 3x3 pixels.
Since an UV edge was needed to create a line I had to add some extra polygons to areas where lines was needed to fulfill the look.


The workflow of the metod is really slow but rewarding. Since you have to map all faces separetly and make sure all lines somehow match up takes it´s time.

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