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Falunacy Game Jam 2016
Mine! Cart

During Falunacy Game Jam our team of six people created the game "Mine! Cart" in Unreal Engine.
- Results
- Pipeline

- My contribution

- Programs used


The theme for this game jam was "Mining" and our team of two designers and four artist began to work on the idea the designers came up with almost right away.

Artists started making props while designers made some prototypes in Unreal, adding the 3D graphics as the code came along.

Once we had a working game-loop the designers started to work on gameplay, adding mechanics and testing it out.

At this stage the artist went in and finalized the level by placing lights, props, menus and animations.

Deadline for this project was 48h, we manage to deliver the game and get some sleep as well. 

My contribution

During this project my main task was to create props and decorate the level. Only animations I made for the game was some cave bats and placeholder animations for the playable characters.

Beside placing props and moving rocks in the scene I also set lights around the scene and created prefabs.

We were two artist in charge of the main scene, both working togheter to get the results you see in the lower images. 

Programs used

Autodesk Maya 2016
Unreal Engine 4.13

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