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School project created for the Playstation 4 system.
During this project my task was mainly character animation and concepting.

- Animations
- Mirror animation between skeletons
- Animated short

Mirror animation between skeletons

By using Maya´s Human IK tool I was able to create base animations on a separate rig and mirror them to all of our game characters.
At first our plan was to have the same animations on all of our characters but in the end we went with individual animations.
Even with separate animations the Human IK setup was a great idea since I could mirror basic animations to all characters and then tweek them as I saw fit.

This method works great even with non-identical skeletons and extra bones could be added for stuff like hats, scarfs and other.
Airguns was parented to a separate joint so that we could unparent them in game when needed.

Animation short

At the end of our project I created a simple action animation of our game.
This was to help boost our game presentation and a good way to show of our group content in a fun way.

This was also a perfect opportunity to practise some camera animation and flat-shaded rendering in Maya.


Credits and information

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